Our staff recognition scheme, Delivering Excellence Every Day (DEED), recognises and celebrates Derbyshire Healthcare staff and volunteers who have gone ‘above and beyond’ in their work, and thereby demonstrated one or more of our values. If you have witnessed or experienced a member of staff giving this kind of exceptional service, please nominate them below.

All the information you provide will be treated in confidence and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. It will be used for the purpose of administering your nomination and contacting you to keep you informed of the nomination outcomes. It may also be used to promote the recognition scheme in the future, including on our website – but please tell us if you do not want us to use the information in this way.

Delivering Excellence Every Day (DEED) scheme categories

  • Inclusion, Involvement and Partnership – for an individual or team that goes to significant lengths to involve and empower ‘experts by experience’ or members of the community in their service and its work, to ensure that care truly meets people’s needs and is accessible to all.
  • Innovation/Improvement – showcasing individuals or teams who have thought ‘outside the box’ to develop innovative ideas to deliver improvements in service quality, to promote parity of esteem, to encourage prevention and self-care, and/or to generate efficiencies.
  • Health Hero – for an individual who has made a significant contribution to the NHS by making an outstanding difference in the community or has made a significant difference to health and wellbeing outcomes for the public and those in our care.
  • Positive difference – for individuals and teams who have made unique contributions towards the organisation’s strategic goals, overcoming obstacles, demonstrating perseverance in taking on challenges and finding unusually creative ways of reaching their objectives.
  • Service user / carer / external nomination – for nominations received from service users, carers or external organisations recognising individuals or teams that have made a significant difference while delivering care.

Delivering Excellence Every Day (DEED) scheme – nomination form

About you

Are you happy for us to use your name when publicising this nomination? Required

About the nominee

Please provide as much information as possible about the Trust colleague(s) that you are nominating. This will help to ensure that they are properly recognised and celebrated.

Are you nominating an individual or team? Required
Would you be happy for your nomination to be share on our public social media and in press releases? Required